Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Posted by Kangman1

Media: Movie
Genre: Adventure/Family/Fantasy
Production Year: 2010
Presentation Availability: Standard/3D/IMAX 3D
Presentation Reviewed: 3D
Official Site Link: Alice in Wonderland

Let me preface my review by saying this, you may have a better viewing experience if you go to a late night viewing with less little kids talking and yelling and kicking the back of your seat!! I can't stand having the back of my seat repeatedly kicked, even after asking politely for it to stop.

I will not bore you with an in depth synopsis for I am sure that most everyone has seen one of the several versions of "Alice in Wonderland" at some point in their lives. Tim Burton's version is not a retelling of Alice's adventure, but a sequel to the original story. You will now be following a 19-year old Alice returning to Wonderland, long after her original quest, to find her true destiny.

Overall Average Score: 7.67
Visually stunning! I am extremely pleased with the renewed style of filming in 3D. Before "Avatar's" release in 2009, 3D films had been very limited in the use of 3-Dimensional cinematography. It was primarily used as a "wow" factor, having objects flying at your face, that's it. Then, with "Avatar", James Cameron stunned us all with his innovative creation of Pandora, a completely 3D planet. This was the first time, we as viewers were completely and entirely submersed in a 3-dimensional world on the big screen. With "Avatar" raising the standard of 3D films, I was definitely curious as to how Tim Burton would handle his portrayal of "Alice in Wonderland". I am happy to say that Burton didn't let me down. He as well has created a visually spectacular "wonderland", putting aside the former campy use of 3D. With that said, this is still a childrens film with a PG rating. It was fun and entertaining, maybe more satisfying for a younger audience, but I would still recommend you taking advantage of seeing it in theaters, either in IMAX 3D or 3D.

Writing: 6
The story has already been defined by 19th century English writer, Lewis Carroll in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and it's sequel "Through the Looking-Glass". This screenplay adaptation from Linda Woolverton was the film's weakest link for me. Woolverton has written major screenplays for Disney movies in the past (The Lion King, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast). This story, although entertaining, lacked a deeper, sometimes hidden (to children) message that most "grown-ups" can really grasp. It was a typical, light/treading on the dark side (for PG that is) fantasy story. I suppose it was targeted more towards a younger audience.

Acting: 8
If you're like me and really loved Burton and Johnny Depp's first teaming in "Edward Scissorhands", were somewhat disappointed with "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and highly anticipated their most recent teaming in this film; you can rest assured that the chemistry is back. Depp, since the early 90's has been a mainstay atop my favorite actors list. His performance as the Mad Hatter was really remarkable, weird and twisted, but remarkable. As for Alice (Mia Wasikowska), while being the main character, I believe she was almost forgettable in comparison with the rest of the cast and characters in the film. One of the best roles was the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter). A lot may in fact be attributed the special effects and make up, but Carter's on screen charisma and presence shines through.

Directing: 8
What can I say, Tim Burton has done it again. Even though I may not have absolutely love this movie, I can definitely appreciate what Burton created. Undeniably fun and entertaining, visually striking and perfect direction for Depp and Carter. Some of Burton's films I absolutely love (Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns), while others I absolutely hate (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman Forever). This one may not fall in either category but quite certainly edges closer to the "love" side of the scale. Also as I mentioned before, I am extremely pleased with Burton's use of 3D.

Photography/Special Effects: 9
The special effects and make up were by far the best part of this movie. Really creative and innovative in regards to the CGI and make up. The special effects crew may very easily help this movie win some awards in the upcoming year. From the Mad Hatter's make up and costume, to the animated talking animals, I was blown away. You will not be disappointed. I must say again - to fully capture the visual experience, you should definitely see it in 3D.

Soundtrack/Sound Effects: 8
The soundtrack was well done and went with the flow of the movie. The sound effects were above average, really adding that extra umphf to an already visually superior piece. The roaring bass really helped engulf the viewer, bringing you even more into Alice's wonderland. I always feel that as long as a soundtrack and sound effects don't get in the way of the film's flow, it can't be bad. You usually wont find me raving about a soundtrack unless it is a paramount piece of the film (just and FYI).

Choreography (fighting/dancing): 7
While having some battle scenes, none were mind blowing or forever memorable. Though being a PG movie oriented towards a younger audience I can forgive this. There was small dance number at the end of the movie by the Mad Hatter that was quite unexpected and fun.
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